Information for authors and Rules for Publication

  1. Basic information
  2. Submission of manuscripts
  3. Specific rules for each section
  4. Letter of presentation
  5. Formal features of the manuscript


Articles sent to the Spanish Journal of Spanish Health must not have been printed in other journals or sent simultaneously to any other publication for assesment. The Journal accepts articles in Spanish, English and French.

The manuscripts should be prepared following the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the most recent revision of which was completed in April 2010. The website of the Committee is at:


Please, use the link "MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS" located at main menu.


Originals: should be previously unpublished studies on any issue relating to prison health. Maximum length should be 10 double-spaced pages (DIN-A4) with letter size 12 cpi, not including the abstract and bibliography. The structure should be Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion. Up to 6 tables and/or figures are admitted. There is no limit to the number of bibliographical references.

Short Original Articles: Research papers that for their special characteristics (series with a small number of observations or research articles with highly specific objectives and results) are published in abbreviated form are accepted. They are structured in the same way as the originals and are limited to 5 DIN-A4 double-spaced pages with 12 cpi font size. 2 figures or tables are accepted along with a maximum of 15 bibliographical references.

Editorials: These are usually articles that are published on assignment. However, the Editorial Board may consider unsolicited editorials for publication and review, with no obligation of correspondence regarding same. The aim is for this section to be open to opinions and reflections of interest on prison health issues so as to stimulate debate or provide new perspectives on a given subject. The recommended structure is: problem statement; author’s position; arguments in favour, arguments against and conclusions. A maximum of one table and/or figure is permitted. Length of text between 3-5 pages of DIN-A4, with a total of 12 bibliographical references. The maximum number of authors shall be 3.

Consensus documents: the appointment of members making up the Consensus Committee for Development of Standards must be drawn up by a national Scientific Society. Length should be no longer than 15 DIN-A4 double spaced pages with 12 cpi font size. Publication priority shall be given to consensus documents submitted by the Spanish Society for Prison Health. No limit to bibliographical references is stipulated.

Special articles: section given over to receiving manuscripts that for their unusual content cannot be included in other sections of the Spanish Journal of Prison Health. Maximum length should be between 6 and 10 DIN-A4 double spaced pages with 12 cpi font size. Up to 3 table and/or figures shall be accepted. No more than 40 bibliographical references should be included.

Review articles: these are papers that provide no new information or are not originals on the issue under discussion. They consist of articles on a specific subject, bringing together, analysing, synthesising and critically discussing the information published on the issue. They are organised into the Introduction, Method and Body of the review (results-discussion-conclusions). They should have a maximum length of 12 DIN-A4 double spaced pages with a 12 cpi font size. Up to 6 tables and/or figures are accepted. There is no limit to the number of bibliographical references.

Letters to the Editor: discussions of articles previously published in previous issues of the journal shall take precedence in this section, and should contain contributions in the form of opinions, observations and experiences that for their characteristics can be summarised in one brief text. The maximum length shall be 2 DIN-A4 double spaced pages with a 12 cpi font size, and up to 10 bibliographical references are accepted. The number of signatories should not exceed 4.

Images of Prison Health: work is accepted in this section that consists of images that set out to show a subject of interest in clinical terms, relating to clinical practice in a prison context. The subject should be presented as a closed case. The structure should be in 3 parts: clinical description of the case, progress and final comments. Length should be no more than two DIN-A4 double spaced pages with 12 cpi font size. A maximum of 4 images are accepted. The number of signatories should not exceed 4. The editorial committee reserves the right to select those images they feel are most representative.

Miscellanea: section that includes manuscripts that contain special events or information: commemorations, deaths, In Memoriam, etc. They should have a maximum number of 2 DIN-A4 double spaced pages with a 12 cpi font size.


All manuscripts must be accompanied by a letter of presentation to the Editorial Board of the Journal which must be signed by all the authors. The letter should include the title of the article and clearly state that the rules and conditions of the Spanish Journal of Prison Health are accepted. The authors should also declare that the manuscript is original and is not in the process of being assessed by any other scientific journal, as well as stating that all the authors comply with the requirements for authorship and that each one has declared if there are any conflicts of interest or not as the case may be.

The authors should comment if the sex is taken into account in the source data of the research to enable possible differences to be identified.


RESP recommends the use of inclusive language in articles to support best practices in gender equality.

We understand inclusive language to refer to a correct way to express oneself in writing without discriminating against a sex, social gender or gender identity:

An example is the use of plural pronouns (“they”, “them”), which, while not always an option because of the sentence structure, are more inclusive than “he” or “she”. Another issue to consider is the use of specifically masculine and feminine nouns such as “policeman/policewoman”, since in some cases other more inclusive and gender-neutral terms are now used in their place (e.g. “police officer”).

Below, we include some links to facilitate the understanding of inclusive language:

Checklist for inclusive use of Spanish proposed by the United Nations:

We can find the condensed version: access


On the other hand, any work sent to the RESP for publication in which there has been a minimal intervention on the research subjects must have the written informed consent of all of them, as well as having been evaluated and endorsed by a duly accredited Clinical Research Ethics Committee. Authors should attach the document or number accrediting this assessment to the original of their work.


All the manuscripts should be presented in Word format and typed with double spacing in all the sections leaving a left and right margin of 3 centimetres. The use of abbreviations should be avoided, and when they appear for the first time in the text should be preceded by the complete term they refer to, except for cases of common medical units, which should be expressed in International System Units. Chemical, physical, biological and clinical units should always be strictly and clearly defined.

Complex formats should not be used; therefore the use of one single type or family of font (e.g. Times New Roman) is recommended. Do not justify the text. The textual divisions and subdivisions shall be indicated as follows: SECTION OR LEVEL 1 (UPPER CASE), Section or level 2 (bold), Section or level 3 (italics). Use only one font size, preferably 12 cpi with interlined double spacing. Do not indent the start of paragraphs.

Pages should be numbered consecutively. The numbers shall be inserted in the top right-hand corner.

The manuscripts should include the information described below and be ordered in the following way:

Title page:

  • Should include the title (in Spanish and English)
  • Full name of first name and one or more complete surnames of the authors (for citing the names of authors in the international indices, only the surname and name shall appear. If the author wishes both surnames to appear, a hyphen should be inserted between them)
  • Complete name of the workplace and electronic mail address for correspondence

Abstract and key words: the abstract should appear on the second page of the manuscript and shall be a maximum of 250 words in length for originals and 150 for brief originals. They should contain the following headings: Aims, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion.
After the abstract at least four key words should be included, with the aim of complementing the information contained in the title and helping to identify the work in bibliographical date bases. For the key words, terms equivalent to those obtained in the descriptors list in Health Sciences of the Index Medicus should be used (Medical Subjects Headings, MeSH) (available at Equivalents in Spanish can be consulted at
Both the abstract and the key words should be written in Spanish and English.

Introduction: The aims of the article should be clearly mentioned and the basis of the study summarised without including an extensive review of the issue. Only cite any bibliographical references that are strictly necessary.

Materials and methods: the design used, the place, time and population under study should be specified. The selection of the subjects studied should be described, defining the methods, apparatus and procedures with sufficient detail so that other researchers can repeat the experiment. The type of statistical analyses, variables used and ethical standards followed by the researchers during the study should be indicated.

Results: should be concise and clear and should include the minimum necessary number of tables and figures. They shall be presented so that no information or auxiliary tables or figures are duplicated in the text.

Discussion: the authors’ own opinions on the subject deriving from the results, their meaning and any practical applications should be expressed, including any possible biases, limitations and strengths of the findings, as well as perspectives for future studies.

Acknowledgements: these should only be expressed for those bodies or individuals who have clearly contributed to making the study possible. Any person included in this section should know of this and give their approval for inclusion.

Bibliographical references: should be presented on a separate page. They should be ordered according to their appearance in the text and numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals in superscript, following the standards approved by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (Vancouver system).
For examples of referencing formats, authors should consult Citing Medicine of the NLM for information about recommended formats in a series of reference types. Authors can also consult sample references that appear in a list of examples deriving from or inspired by Citing Medicine, which are easy to use for those following the ICMJE. The NLM is responsible for maintaining these sample references. Examples can be consulted for formatting at: Below are some examples of correct citations for different types of documents:

Articles in journals:

1.- Original article: All the authors should be included when they are six or less, if there are more follow the first six with “et al.”:

  • Marco-Mouriño A, Gómez-Pintado P, Garcia-Guerrero J, Fernández de la Hoz-Zeitler K, Guerrero-Moreno R, Acín-Garcia E, et al. Estrés entre el personal sanitario penitenciario. Detección e intervención. Rev Esp Sanid Penit. 1997;35:329-35.

2.- If the article has a unique identifier in a database, it can be optionally included:

  • Garcia-Guerrero J, Vera-Remartínez EJ, Planelles MV. Causas y tendencias de la mortalidad en una prisión española (1994-2009). Rev Esp Salud Pública. 2011; 85:245-55. PubMed PMID: 21892549.

3.- Collective author (author is a group or body):

  • Grupo de Trabajo sobre Salud Mental en prisiones (GSMP). Actividades y funcionamiento. Rev Esp Sanid Penit. 2005; 7:86-91.

Books and other monographs:

1.-  Personal author(s):

  • Luzón-Pena DM. Código Penal. 1ª edición. Madrid: Editorial la Ley; 2011.

2.- Book chapter:

  • Meltzer PS, Kallioniemi A, Trent JM. Alteraciones cromosómicas en tumores sólidos de humanos. En: Vogelstein B, Kinzlez KW, editores. Las bases genéticas del cáncer en humanos. Nueva York: Mc Graw-Hill; 2002. p. 93-113.

3.-Published speeches:

  • Gómez-Pintado P. Evolución y características de los casos de SIDA ingresados en Instituciones Penitenciarias (1989-1997). Libro de ponencias del II Congreso Nacional de Sanidad Penitenciaria; 5-7 Noviembre 1998; Barcelona, España. Barcelona: Sociedad Española de Sanidad Penitenciaria; 1998. p.165-70.

Tables and figures: these are presented in a file separately from the text, each one on a separate page and consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals following the order from the first time it is mentioned in the text. A brief title should accompany it in bold miniscule type to the left of the table or figure. Do not use horizontal or vertical lines for the tables. Each column should be headed by a brief or abbreviated title. Authors should place the explanations as footnotes for the table, not by the title. Explain in footnotes for the table any unusual abbreviations. For table footnotes, use the following symbols in this order: * † ‡ § || ¶ ** †† ‡‡. §§, ||||, ¶¶, etc. Identify the variability indices, such as the standard deviation and standard error of the average. Figures should be black or shades of grey, with no coloured background, and should be clear and easy to interpret. They should also be numbered in order with Arabic numerals and have a brief explanatory title in miniscule bold to the left of the figure.

Photographs: should be sent in separate files. It is recommended that the photographs should be of sufficient professional quality and be presented in digital photograph format. Besides a version of the photographs suitable for printing, an attachment holding electronic files of the images in a particular format (such as JPEG or GIF) is also requested for high quality reproduction of the photos in the web version of the journal.